...........|| Tuesday, October 14, 2008 ||
Sour Sally
Sour Sally US Premium Non-Fat Frozen Yogurt or simply known as "Fro-Yo" is the first of its kind in Indonesia. It has got all the yummy goodness you will love. Made from the finest ingredients, the delicious and refreshing Sour Sally Fro Yo is available in original plain and green tea flavor : mixed and matched with tasty toppings like mango, kiwi, almonds, choco balls and more, there are lotd of choose from. So....tunggu apalagi...cobain d...mix es krimmu dengan pilihan topping sesuai selera...unik kan es krimnya...dan ga bikin gendut pastinya karena low calories and 100% fat free!!!
Jakarta, Indonesia
Mon - Sun:
10:00 am - 10:00 pm
For more information about this:
Mon - Sun:
10:00 am - 10:00 pm
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posted by ~ㅅ~Itadakimasu~ㅅ~ @ 10:27 PM
- At November 13, 2008 at 12:50 AM, said...
"wah...saya udah coba Sour Sally gara2 liat blog anda....memang enak banget...rasa yogurtnya itu loh beda dengan rasa yogurt yang lainnya...apalagi yogurt yang green tea...hmmm delicious...dan saya ga takut gemuk d makan es krim di Sour Sally gara2 100% fat free...
Thx atas rekomendasi yang bagus ini^^
-Via-" - At November 18, 2008 at 11:04 PM, ~ㅅ~Itadakimasu~ㅅ~ said...
"First of all, thanx buat -Via- karena udah kirim comment buat kami. Thanx juga buat kepercayaan kamu terhadap materi2 kami terutama tentang "Sour Sally", sampe2 kamu mau cobain.. Kami senang sekali karena ternyata ulasan kami ini bisa bermanfaat buat kamu dan yang lainnya."