...........|| Friday, October 31, 2008 ||
Ragusa Ice Cream

Sekadar info, toko es krim ini sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1932. Foto di temboknya adalah sejarah.Kita bisa belajar sejarah Pasar Gambir di era tahun 1930-an sambil makan es krim. Satu skoop-nya dihargai 12 ribu rupiah.
Makanan istimewanya spagethi ice cream. Ice cream vanilla yang dibentuk mirip mie spagethi. Kalo nggak suka es-krim vanilla bisa diganti rasa moka,strawberry atau cokelat kok! Untuk harga spagethi ice cream ny murah koq teman2, cm 27rb!!
Hav a nice memory of Indonesia Tempoe Doeloe hanya dgn dtg k RAGUSA cafee!
Just check it out fren..
o iya tempatnya itu di Jl. Veteran I No. 10...
Jadi silakan mencoba!
posted by ~ㅅ~Itadakimasu~ㅅ~
@ 2:35 PM
...........|| Thursday, October 23, 2008 ||
Puding Coklat di Hoka Hoka Bento
Puding Coklat di Hoka Hoka Bento

posted by ~ㅅ~Itadakimasu~ㅅ~
@ 1:58 PM
...........|| Tuesday, October 14, 2008 ||
PISA kafe

patut dicoba d....dijamin ga nyesel....bikin ketagihan...
nih ada beberapa desert enak disana yang gw rekomendasikan buat lu org...

Creme brulle ini ada 2 macam rasa :
1.Vanilla Cremé Brulle
Tasty soft vanilla pudding, beautify with fresh strawberry and crush of chocolate
Ingredients: Fresh cream, milk, gelatin, sugar
2.Pistachio Cremé Brulle
Truly Italian Dessert, mixed up from the best quality of pistachio paste and cream
Ingredients: Fresh milk, fresh cream, vanilla bean
Panna Cotta
Gorgeous and unique appearance of original Italian dessert, with variant flavor like original panna cotta with blueberry, chocolate, green tea, lemon
Ingredients: Fresh milk, fresh cream, pistachio paste

-Macaroon & Pie-
MacaroonClassic Soft and Sweet France cookies, with special taste of chocolate, pistachio, rose, blueberry, and lemon
Ingredients: Egg, white, almond powder, sugar
Awakening truth of life, taste and enjoy sweet and sour tart to remember it. Tasty, crowned with fresh strawberry or blueberry.
Ingredients : flour, eggs, sugar and almond powder
Nih alamatnya :
kafe pisa menteng | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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kafe pisa karawaci | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
posted by ~ㅅ~Itadakimasu~ㅅ~
@ 10:34 PM
Sour Sally

Sour Sally US Premium Non-Fat Frozen Yogurt or simply known as "Fro-Yo" is the first of its kind in Indonesia. It has got all the yummy goodness you will love.

Jakarta, Indonesia
Mon - Sun:
10:00 am - 10:00 pm
For more information about this:
Mon - Sun:
10:00 am - 10:00 pm
For more information about this:
posted by ~ㅅ~Itadakimasu~ㅅ~
@ 10:27 PM

we present the most delicious dessert that can make you want to try,too
we are "Dessert Lover" we always want to try a new experience especially about dessert
and we want to share it for you all the delicious one...
posted by ~ㅅ~Itadakimasu~ㅅ~
@ 6:38 PM
...........|| Sunday, October 12, 2008 ||
Hi!! Nice to meet u all...
Let us present to you..our new blog yang bakal ngebahas all about delicious dessert sesuai dengan apa yg qta crave-in...
Di sini kalian akan temukan berbagai jenis dessert dari seantero Indonesia ini yang pastiny yummy punya d... alias MAKNYUS deh klo kata OM BONDAN!!
Blog ini bakal buat lu org smua ga bakal nyesel deh singgah d sene.. Qta cm mau berbagi apa yg qta smua ketaui about, "Apa seh yg namany DELICIOUS DESSERT?"
First of all, qta terima kasih bgt yg ud baca, mudah2an neh blog bakal nambah referensi lu org dlm "hunting" makanan yg "two thumbs up" deh..
So...we welcome u here and don't forget to visit us often,ok?
posted by ~ㅅ~Itadakimasu~ㅅ~
@ 8:43 PM