...........|| Tuesday, December 2, 2008 ||

Kalau Palembang lagi panas- panasnya nih...Es Mamat pasti jadi inceran semua orang...
Es Mamat emank terkenal sih dari dulu....
Kebetulan pemiliknya saya kenal jadi bisa tau sedikit nih sejarah suksesnya....
Mamat Ice, or better known as Es Mamat, is a really well known mixed-ice in
1. Lapangan Hatta. This is the most famous spot form all spots. If you choose this place, make sure you come earlier than 12 o'clock because the ice is quickly sold out here.
2. Bangau ( disini menjadi tempat nongkrong anak2 SMA XAV 1 kalau hari lagi terik) selain ada es mamat disini juga menjual makanan lain spt pempek, model, tekwan dll...So sambil makan lu org bisa menikmati kesegaran es MAMAT
3. Puja Sera (Veteran) tempat ini merupakan tempat ke 2 terlaku setelah di Lapangan Hatta, umumya orang kantoran yang suka makan disini
4. Dempo Dalam. lokasinya dekat tempat warnet...so sambil main internet, browsing2 ato main game online...lu pada bisa sambil pesen es loh...
From the four spots, I'd like to recommend spot number 1 and 4. 1 and 4 because of its delicious taste. 4 because of its cheaper price, only Rp 7000 while the other places sell it Rp 8500. Harganya naik nih udah...padahal dulu cuma Rp 5000 loh...
posted by ~ㅅ~Itadakimasu~ㅅ~
@ 7:33 PM
...........|| Thursday, November 27, 2008 ||
Chocolate Truffle

Layered with delicate chocolate sponge
24 cm Rp.335.000,-
34 x 26 cm Rp.435.000,-
Jl. Bulungan No. 24, Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12130
(021) 7252984
Bintaro Plaza, Lt. Dasar, Jl. Bintaro Utama 3A, Bintaro Jaya Jakarta Selatan
(021) 7355895
CLAIRMONT - Karawaci
Supermall Karawaci UG#48 Food Festival, Tangerang
(024) 5462425
Cinere Mall, Lt. Dasar, Jl. Cinere Raya No. 1 Jakarta Selatan
(021) 7546266
Blok M Plaza, Lt. Dasar, Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan
(021) 7209458
CLAIRMONT - Pacific Place
Kemchicks Lt. LG/99 SCBD Lot 3 & 5 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
(021) 51400471
CLAIRMONT - Radio Dalam
Jl. Raya Radio Dalam No.4C-F Kebayoran Baru, Jaksel
(021) 7258523
Jadi langsung aja deh ke outlet-outlet yang tersedia untuk mencicipi "Chocolate Truffle" yang enak bangett...Selamat mencoba...
posted by ~ㅅ~Itadakimasu~ㅅ~
@ 9:34 AM
...........|| Sunday, November 23, 2008 ||
Japanese Dessert
-Aji Tei-
A whole new concept restaurant introduces authentic Kyoto dessert to Indonesia! And more to that … with over 88 variety of fine Japanese cuisine serve under one roof, at very affordable prices! Aji Tei's desserts, specially imported from Japan, are all natural, healthy and have no preservatives. Aji Tei's café style restaurant is for all snack savvy lovers; an ideal place for everyone, anytime!
Aji Tei's dessert menu :

(including warabi mochi & macha jelly)
Is a kind of agar-agar solely made from seawed which is not only delicious but also good for health

(Macha, Kinako)
Warabi mochi is a type of powder made from bracken, which takes month to produce
Sundae Mitsumame
(with/without vanilla)

Uji Kintoki
(Macha Kakigori)

Tokoroten Anmitsu
(100% made from seaweed and "0" calories )

Red Bean Paste
(serve with shiratamas)

Kakigori Anmitsu

Strawberry Parfait

Macha Parfeit with ball

Aji-No Sanpo Set

Dango Set

Kakigori Macha Cream

Macha jelly Kinako

Bagi Lu orang yang kepingin cobain Dessert ala Jepang...Aji Tei merupakan pilihan yang tepat....
DESSERTnya TOP abisss dah...Segerrrr banget semuanya....
Alamat :
Aji Tei
Pacific Place, Lt. 5, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Senayan - Jakarta Selatan
Buka Jam: 10:00 - 22:00
posted by ~ㅅ~Itadakimasu~ㅅ~
@ 11:41 AM
...........|| Friday, November 21, 2008 ||
Chocolate Devil

Very rich in chocolate flavor, this chocolate cake Devil cake is made with double chocolate cream and moist chocolate sponge. This is the ultimate chocolate cake in town.

Some say the best Tiramisu is found at the Harvest! The most famous Italian cheese cake using mascarpone cheese layered with coffee soaked vanilla sponge.
Triple Chocolate

This dark, milk, and white flavoured chocolate mouse cake made with two layers of dark chocolate sponge and decorated with chocolate leaves.

A classic Opera cake made with coffee cream and chocolate ganache and set together with chocolate jokon sponge.
20x20cm Rp. 170000
20x30cm Rp. 250000
30x30cm Rp. 370000
30x40cm Rp. 495000
40x40cm Rp. 655000
60x40cm Rp. 985000
Nah...Bagi yang udah penasaran ni langsung aja dateng ke outlet-outlet Harvest yang ada ato telpon aja ke Harvest karena Harvest menyediakan layanan delivery...
Jl Senopati Raya, No.78, Jakarta Selatan
Telp. 021-72788657 - 70708793
Fax 021-7396125
The Harvest "Arteri Pondok Indah"
Jl. Arteri Pondok Indah, No.38E, Jakarta Selatan
Telp. 021-7201710
Fax 021-7268409
The Harvest "Menteng"
Jl. Sunda, No.7, Jakarta Pusat
Telp. 021-2300369
Fax 021-2300469
The Harvest "Kelapa Gading"
Jl. Boulevard Raya, Blok TA 2/4
Telp. 021-45844954
Fax 021-45840880
The Harvest "Dharmawangsa"
Jl. Dharmawangsa Raya No. 10 B
Telp. 021-7394225
Fax 021-7394914
The Harvest "Bengawan"
JL. Bengawan no.39, Surabaya Pusat - 60241
Telp. 031 - 561 6263
Fax 031 - 561 9696
posted by ~ㅅ~Itadakimasu~ㅅ~
@ 8:01 AM